The Black Sea Cuisine... Anchovy, corn, hazelnut, kale, green bean pickles...

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Ayder Plateau

Wow, the Black Sea… Anchovy, corn, hazelnut, kale, green bean pickles... Uyyy... - Hurriyet Daily News

Food holds such a significant place in the Black Sea culture than most other subjects; so much so that even the region’s folksongs talk mostly of the unique hamsi (anchovy) and the world-famous hazelnut

Black Sea Cuisine " Kuymak ( Mıhlama ) "

Without doubt, when “ The Black Sea cuisine” is mentioned, widely known items such as the anchovy, the hazelnut and the corn flour come instantly to mind. But one of the leading characteristics of Black Sea cuisine is actually its herbal dishes. These dishes of the Black Sea, which are not very well known, can easily compete with Aegean cuisine.

Because it rains constantly in the region, the Black Sea has very rich flora. For this reason, the Black Sea people cook almost every types of plant and leaves that you can think of (as well as some that you could not have thought of.)

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